
This particular steak is considered the “king” of steaks mainly because it’s actually two steaks in one. On one side you have a New York strip, and on the other is a rather large filet mignon. The porterhouse is a thicker cut and has much more of the tenderloin relative to the loin portion. It comes best when grilled, but can also be sautéed, broiled, or pan-fried.
A simple stove-top butter-basting recipe for Porterhouse

This steak is named after its T-shaped bone. It’s similar in appearance to the porterhouse, yet with a smaller portion of the filet mignon side. T-bone steaks are cut closer to the front and contain a smaller section of tenderloin. They are best grilled or broiled to medium-rare temperature; the meat near the bone tends to cook more slowly than other parts of the steak.
Spice it up with this Cajun T-bone Recipe
Top Sirloin

This is a relatively lean cut of steak. Top sirloin differs from sirloin steaks in that the bone and the tenderloin and bottom round muscles have been removed. It is often marinated to tenderize it. It’s a good choice for cutting into cubes and skewering with vegetables for grilling. Kabob!
New York Strip

This is a staple and classic at any good steakhouse. It has an excellent amount of marbling, is tender and full-flavored. Many people prefer this cut cooked rare, or blue, showcasing the delicate flavor and naturally tender texture. Internationally it is called a “club” steak. In the United States and Canada, it is known as New York strip, strip loin, shell steak, or Kansas City strip steak. The New York strip steak is ideal for grilling.
Filet Mignon

This is the most tender cut off the cow. It’s not the most flavorful steak since it does not have a bone attached, but it can be wrapped in bacon or served with your favorite sauces and spices. In France this cut is called filet de boeuf, which translates to beef filet. It can be broiled or grilled, but remember to cook this cut quickly to seal in all the goodness.

The rib-eye has long been a favorite of steak lovers worldwide due to its luscious marbling, which allows the meat to be very tender and juicy. The rib-eye is a boneless cut. When the bone is attached it is called a rib steak. These steaks should be cooked quickly by grilling or broiling.